A Place to Call Home (Deuteronomy 26:1-11)

Each of us longs for a place to call home,
a place that we are safe and cherished.
Home is a place where when we walk through the door,
we can drop our public face and become who we truly are.

Lord, we ask you to be with those in this world who have no home,
no safe place to live, who may not feel welcome,
and who feel alone and helpless.
We ask that you open our eyes to the needs
of those who live in war zones,
of those who live in underdeveloped countries,
and those who live in poverty within our own country.
Remind us that our public policies and our private choices
have contributed to their situations.
Remind us how fortunate we have been to be born
in this place and in this time,
how fortunate we are
to have the opportunity to improve ourselves and our situations.

Each of us longs for a place to call home,
a place that we are safe and cherished.
As we come here each week to this sacred place,
we feel your presence and we know that we are cherished.
This place, this home, is always here for us even as our lives change.
Your teachings and your grace are always here for us
even as the world changes around us.
No matter where we travel in this world, no matter where our home may be,
you are with us always.
We know that you walk with us on our journey and
we ask that you make your will known to us.
We ask that you be with those among us
who especially need your healing touch, and we name ___.
As the world changes too quickly for us to comprehend,
we ask that you be with us and fill us with your peace.

Lord, there are far too many people in this world
who have no place to call their home.
There is too much violence, too much economic uncertainty,
and too much political upheaval for any of us to feel comfortable.
Remind us that we are your children.
Remind us that as your children,
each of us is deeply loved and uniquely cherished.
Remind us that as your children,
as your followers, we are to support one another.
Remind us to help each other find their home, their safe place.
Remind us to share our fortune with others,
and especially to share the good news of your love and your teachings.

Each of us longs for a place to call home,
a place that we are safe and cherished.
If we cannot find our home in the earthly world,
we know we have a home with you.
We know that we can be ourselves with you
because we are your children.
You know us completely and you love and accept us.
In this sacred place, in this home, we use the words that your Son taught us,
“Our Father…”

Be With Us (Mark 1:9-15)

Lord, as we enter this time we call Lent,
be with us.
Open our eyes to your presence in our daily lives.
Remind us to reflect daily on our interactions with you,
and with those around us.
As we look back on our day, where did we please you?
Where did we fall short?

Lord, as we enter this time we call Lent,
be with us.
We were created in God’s image and
we know we are the children of God.
Remind us that we are uniquely loved and cherished.
As we look back on our day, where were we shown love?
Where did we share your love with others?

Lord, as we enter this time we call Lent,
be with us.
We say that we are brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.
As we look back on our day, where did we work together equally with others?
Where did we build walls between ourselves and others?

Lord, as we enter this time we call Lent,
be with us.
You taught us that each of us is a valued child of God.
You fought for the powerless, spoke for the voiceless, and
loved the unloveable ones.
As we look back on our day, where did we live out your teachings?
Where did we choose to ignore your lesson?

Lord, as we enter this time we call Lent,
be with us.
Remind us to reflect daily on our interactions with you,
and with those around us.
As we look back on our day, where did we please you?
Where did we fall short?

As we think about our interactions with those around us,
we know that there are people we hold in our hearts
who need some extra support.
While we reach out to them, we ask that you also surround them
with your love and grace. We ask that you be with ___.

Lord, as we enter this time we call Lent,
we know that you are with us.
We use the words that you taught us,
“Our Father…”